Just in case, it is worth checking with your auto insurance company whether your vehicle is insured during the transportation of the car. If you are planning to ship your vehicle, you may need to take into account some of the precautions associated with shipping and insurance companies. For example, before entering into a contract with a car transportation company, you need to know that the company meets the minimum insurance requirements for car transportation. Before sending the vehicle with the company, request a copy of the company’s insurance certificate.
Depending on your policy, your auto insurance company may cover your car while it’s on the road, but don’t assume that’s the case; you have to check to be sure. Ask if your own insurance coverage applies when shipping the car and if you need to give your auto insurance company any notice from the shipping company. However, if you need to drive the vehicle after it has been shipped, you will need valid car insurance. If you choose to ship your vehicle, you will need to make sure you have the appropriate insurance for your vehicle.
Talk to your car delivery service and make sure you understand how their insurance works. To ensure that your vehicle is fully insured, you need to understand the various aspects of shipping insurance. Ask your supplier what it covers and if you need to purchase additional car transport insurance to make sure your items are covered in an accident. Trucking and shipping companies have their own insurance in case of damage to the car, so there is no need to purchase additional insurance.
Usually the policy you buy from a trucking company or personal insurance does not cover damage to your goods during transit. The insurance policy that the transport company has will cover damage to your car that occurred during unloading, transit and loading. Find out whether car transport companies cover any damage that occurs during the transportation of the car, whether the insurance covers the entire car or only parts of it, or whether you will have to pay a deductible in case of damage.
Work with your delivery driver to create an accurate report before your vehicle is loaded. Your ATC driver must complete a written report of any pre-existing damage to your vehicle. Whether you work with a broker or a carrier, you need to know if the carrier’s cargo insurance is sufficient to cover any damage to your vehicle in transit. If you want to make sure you’re getting a good deal for your transportation needs, you should always consider whether the company offers enough auto insurance to keep your car safe.
Additional insurance may be required as in most cases the cargo insurance offered by the trucking company is not sufficient. If you need additional coverage, consider purchasing additional insurance from the shipping company during transit. Transport companies are required by law to have insurance for the vehicles they transport.
As mentioned above, any shipping company needs to have adequate insurance coverage when shipping vehicles across the country. According to U.S. Department of Transportation guidelines, the legal responsibility of a trucking company is liability insurance. By law, any licensed moving company must have liability insurance and a carrier number (MC) registered with the Department of Transportation.
Car carriers are insured against liability to protect your vehicle during transport. To further complicate matters, some trucking companies include in their contract a disclaimer of any liability for any damage your vehicle may accumulate while it is in their possession. This legal requirement applies to the company that physically ships your vehicle. Like the typical car owner, the shipper also needs to have insurance.
In this case, you may want to consider purchasing additional insurance to ensure your vehicle is covered throughout the process. In other cases, your carrier may recommend short-term insurance to cover your vehicle in transit.
If you are satisfied with the above insurance policies, you can ship your vehicle without changing coverage. You will then need to obtain an international insurance policy in addition to shipping insurance, which will expire when your car leaves the marina. While ocean freight is a safe way to transport vehicles, purchasing an insurance policy should be considered necessary to ensure that you don’t have to pay anything else out of your own pocket. You can contact your insurance company to request additional coverage, for example if your car is over $50,000 or if you would like additional coverage in addition to the carrier’s insurance.
You will always have to file claims through the actual insurance company holding the policy, and you will need to deal with the actual car transport company that transports your vehicle for any questions you may have. If you are not aware of any shipping damage, you cannot claim compensation from your insurance company or carriers. If you are shipping your vehicle to Hawaii, it is covered by marine shipping insurance. This is a basic insurance policy that protects you while you are driving and will have an extension that will help you with replacement costs if your vehicle is damaged or completely wrecked during the time it is with the transport company.